Research Article

Turkish and American science teachers’ perceptions about science models and modelling

Kathy L. Malone 1 2 * , Özkan Yılmaz 3
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1 University of Hawai’i at Hilo, Hilo, HI, USA2 Nazarbayev University, Astana, KAZAKHSTAN3 Erzincan Binali Yildirim University, Erzincan, TURKEY* Corresponding Author
Eurasian Journal of Science and Environmental Education, 3(1), June 2023, 33-42,
Published: 12 March 2023
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The need for authentic practices such as science modelling in school science has been shown through international assessment scores. Numbers of studies have shown the efficacy of the use of modelling on students’ conceptual knowledge and reasoning abilities. However, the international assessment scores have not risen greatly in most countries. Thus, the question becomes are students being taught modelling practices in schools. Research implies that teachers, both pre- and in-service, may lack the expertise to guide students in the usage of models and modelling. This study compares the perceptions of models and modelling in two countries, the US and Turkey, using a qualitative interview research design to determine what differences exist between teachers’ perceptions in these two countries since the US scores higher than Turkey on international assessments. The results show that there are few differences in teachers’ perceptions of models and modelling between these two countries. The paper concludes with suggestions that are pertinent to science educators in terms of training needs for both pre- and in-service science teachers.


Malone, K. L., & Yılmaz, Ö. (2023). Turkish and American science teachers’ perceptions about science models and modelling. Eurasian Journal of Science and Environmental Education, 3(1), 33-42.


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