Research Article

The science curricula for ages 11-12 across the European Union: A comparative analysis

Elefteria Tsiouri 1 * , Charilaos Tsihouridis 1 , Konstantinos T. Kotsis 2
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1 Department of Educational Sciences and Social Work, University of Patras, Patras, GREECE2 Department of Primary Education, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, GREECE* Corresponding Author
Eurasian Journal of Science and Environmental Education, 4(2), December 2024, 39-46,
Submitted: 13 September 2024, Published: 19 December 2024
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The impartation of scientific education is important in shaping the cognition and skills of young scholars, particularly those in the 11-12-year-old age group. The diversity of educational frameworks and cultural phenomena in Europe results in a wide range of science syllabi for this specific age group. This manuscript undertakes a comparative analysis of these diverse syllabi, exploring various methodologies in curriculum development, didactic strategies, evaluative mechanisms, and integrating technological tools with empirical experimentation. The goal is to identify the most effective practices and potential areas for enhancing students’ scientific and academic journey in this age group.


Tsiouri, E., Tsihouridis, C., & Kotsis, K. T. (2024). The science curricula for ages 11-12 across the European Union: A comparative analysis. Eurasian Journal of Science and Environmental Education, 4(2), 39-46.


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