Research Article
Development of student worksheets through study chitosan as corrosion inhibitor on metal
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1 Faculty of Science and Teacher Training, Universitas Riau, Riau, INDONESIA2 SMKN 1 Mandah Indragiri Hilir Riau, Riau, INDONESIA3 Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Riau, INDONESIA* Corresponding Author
Eurasian Journal of Science and Environmental Education, 3(2), December 2023, 75-81,
Published: 07 August 2023
OPEN ACCESS 862 Views 578 Downloads
This research aims to develop student worksheets (SW) through the study of the effectiveness of chitosan as a coating of corrosion on the metal Zn, Fe, and Al in acidic media, which are valid based on the feasibility aspect of content, language, presentation and graphic. This type of research is the development of research with reference to the development process of the 4-D model of development. Instrument data collection sheet validation is given to three validators, and from analysis of the data obtained on the validity of the feasibility aspects of content, language, presentation and graphic row is equal to 93.88%, 96.67%, 95.83%, and 93.75% with a valid category. Based on the results of limited trials conducted on teachers and students, each obtained an average score of 92.50% and 87.90% with good criteria. It can be concluded that SW developed based on the study of the effectiveness of chitosan as a corrosion coating on metals in acidic media is stated to be valid and can be used in high school chemistry subjects in the subject of reduction–oxidation (redox) reactions and corrosion.
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